Back In The Saddle

This newsletter is a bit late, but we’ve been pretty busy. Our weeks have started at the market, we’re closer and closer to finishing the next book, and we have two new places to tell you about that carry our books now. Yes, we are back in the saddle again after a very long time off in 2020.

We took a short trip to the High Uinta Mountains to escape the heat. Taking the Mirror Lake Hwy to the very top, elevation 10,000 feet, really felt good. We left 106 degrees and welcomed the cool night air of 40 degrees. Jackets, long pants, and the furnace even kicked on in the motor home at night! Hard to believe the drastic change just two hours east of Salt Lake City. We had an amazing campsite off the highway. All the campgrounds were full, but we found the perfect quiet spot with a beautiful meadow with moose.

Along the Mirror Lake Hwy is a small, but awesome smoke shop. Not a “vape” smoke shop, but a smoked fish/salmon smoke shop. This country general store has the best smoked salmon, such a delicacy on crackers and enjoyed with a bottle of wine…..I’m getting lost in my thoughts here…..but seriously, they have maps, food, drinks, postcards, sweatshirts and tee shirts, mugs, books, etc. And now they even have our books! They carry other local author’s books as well and I am so happy to be a part of them. This is where I found my publisher three years ago. I bought some of her books here. So, when you’re heading up Hwy 150 in Kamas, Utah, stop at the Samak Smoke House. The people are friendly and the scenery beautiful.

Our first farmers markets this year were the 4th of July weekend and the 24th of July, which is a Utah State holiday called Pioneer Day or also known as Days of 47. We were at the Daybreak Farmers Market in South Jordan. We really like this place. It’s not too far of a drive for us, about 30 minutes, and the people are diverse and friendly.

We were across from another book seller and I have to say I was a bit apprehensive at first. But after checking it out, because I’m such a big book fan, I fell in love with the place. By the end of the day, I was so happy and grateful to Forgotten Pages Book Mobile for carrying our books! Rebecca, the owner, is charming and though we had just met, I felt as though we were old friends. You’ve got to visit this bookmobile if you ever come across it. There are books for kids of all ages. (even this one!) It will be at Daybreak Farmers Market throughout the summer.

So there you have it. The hot month of July. We here in northern Utah are in a big drought season with lots of wild fires going on. We get surrounding state’s smoke from their fires, too. With nightly thunder storms it makes it very humid, unlike Utah weather. In the southern part of our state, they are getting floods! Climate change, it’s real. So stay safe, keep pets and children out of the heat and hot cars, and as Smokey the Bear says, “Only you can prevent forest fires!”

Til next time, God bless my friends.

Skip’s mom, Cb

Moose Visiting Our Camp

Moose Visiting Our Camp

Where you need to stop by to see our books!

Where you need to stop by to see our books!