Here we are back again in the month of love. What is love? This word can mean many things to many people. Love can be a strong feeling or attraction to another person or thing. Most of the time it is a positive thing, but it can be a negative emotion when we become attached to money, material possessions, or the egotistical self. “It’s a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection - the unselfish, loyal, and benevolent concern for the good of another.” We can say we love pizza for example, or my car or my house. But these are just things, things that can’t reciprocate the same kind of feeling that one gets from another human or animal. I’m going to come back to that word “love” in a bit.
John Franchi with FOX13 News interviewed us this month for a story about Skip Thomas Adventures. We met him at the Best Friends Strut Your Mutt event back in 2022 in Liberty Park. Being a huge dog lover himself, he was impressed with our mission on adoption and rescues. He got to know more about what makes us tick.
Tim’s interview was first, downstairs in his studio. I thought he did a great job and I was very proud of him. He showed our children’s books and the artwork that goes with them. He showed how the illustrations for each book come together. I write him a short description of what I see in my mind for each page and then scribble a quick sketch of how I want it to look. My sketches are quite comical. I leave the final illustrations up to him. He also got to show the artwork he is currently working on, namely his Indy car collection. He will be doing an art show soon in a Salt Lake City gallery. I’ll let you know when.
My interview was upstairs in my office. I don’t speak well in front of cameras or people I just met. I freeze like a deer in the headlights. I think I portray my thoughts better in writing. So, I want to clarify some of my answers to the questions I was asked in the interview, things I wanted to say but didn’t.
When asked why I thought literacy was important, I should have said this: John, I wouldn’t be sitting here talking to you today if you didn’t think I had a story to tell. I believe reading and writing are everything in a person’s life if they want to achieve a goal and go far. Education and knowledge are powerful things. The more you know, the more you grow. Challenging the mind can take you places you’d never dream of. I say read a lot and write your own story. We all have one. Carve your own path. Even if you’re scared, do it anyway. The possibilites are endless.
Are my stories hard to write? What do I want people to know about my stories? I should have said: No, not at all! Skip Thomas was real. Theses are the stories of a rescue dog’s life, his life, and the unconditional love he gave us. I can look at any of his photos and recall exactly what happened and when. He really was rescued from a farm. He really had a girlfriend named Abby. We really did have a surprise birthday party for him with all the neighborhood dogs and friends. We really did have a cat pinata, a magician, and Tim cooking cheeseburgers for all the dogs. I have a list of twenty or more stories waiting to be illustrated. Tim has a lot of work to do! So, writing Skip Thomas’ stories is easy because they are all true.
Why do I think rescue and animal adoptions are important? Because there are so many animals in shelters that don’t deserve to be there. They didn’t ask for that kind of life. They need to be loved and cared for. They can’t do that on their own. Many have been abused and left to die in harsh elements for no reason. It makes me angry. We found our Bear left to die in the mountains. He was physically in bad shape, sick, starving and abandoned. He was in dire need of help. We couldn’t leave him there so we brought him home with us. We were told he was probably too far gone and was given maybe six months to live. We gave him a second chance in life with a good retirement home full of love and we had him for five more years. He was the best dog ever and gave us so much love in return. I want to say to people, if you can’t commit to an animal for its whole life and love it unconditionally, then don’t get one. It’s not fair to them. I am also against those breeders who breed for profit repeatedly, especially those trying to cross breed. This is a form of abuse. We rescued a beautiful Pocket Bully, our Tuco, who was bred improperly. We lost him just before Christmas due to faulty breeding. All his siblings passed away before they were two years old. Tuco almost made it to three. This was hard on us because we was just a baby. We speak up for those who can’t, and we donate part of our book proceeds to animal causes.
Now, getting back to that word “love.” FOX13 News reporter John Franchi loves what he does, and it shows. His concern for the good of others is admirable. He is kind and compassionate about animals. We know this because we’ve talked with him and seen him report stories at animal rescue events in the past. Love is easy to spot when it’s genuine, and he is genuine.
So, thank you John for believing in us and giving us a chance to tell our story. And thank you to Eric our cameraman and the whole GDU team for making this possible.
Til next time, God bless you all and share your love.
Skip’s mom, Cb
John Franchi and cameraman Eric
Getting set up
Tim & John
Getting ready
Seeing the artist at work
Cb’s turn
Telling a story
All of us
Tuco as a baby
Our Bear
The dog behind the stories