Setbacks & Disappointments

“The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want. And if they can’t find them, make them.” English playwright George Bernard Shaw

That is what June seems to be about for us this month. Things we had planned and things we looked forward to just didn’t materialize. Yes, we were disappointed. But we looked at them as minor setbacks. We rescheduled the trip to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, waited patiently for the “wrap” on the motor home, and used our time well spent on pursuing artwork.

Sometimes things happen for a reason. For instance, the trip was cancelled due to excessive heat in the southern part of Utah. Temperatures rising to 106-115 degrees were just too much for the animals, and us, to get together; therefore the tours were cancelled. Minor disappointment, no problem, we just re-booked for October.

Not getting the weekend dates in June we first put in for at the Farmer’s Market was a little disappointing, but all-in-all worked out for the best. We have time to re-design our booth and add product we didn’t have in the past. We are looking forward to our first show July 3rd at Daybreak Farmer’s Market in South Jordan, Utah. Be sure to come see us at booth #14!

We got new phones this month. It was about time we did an upgrade. Now, we just need to figure out how to use them! When it comes to techie stuff, I’m not real informed. So, if I call you and ask, “Where do I find this?” or “How do I do that?” or “What is this?” please bear with me as I try to learn new things with new apps.

As this month comes to an end, I see that it flew by without us realizing it. I don’t have a lot to share, but we have been busy. This has been the hottest month of June in Utah in a very long time. Here’s a little bit of trivia for you: On June 4th, Salt Lake City officially broke its record of the earliest triple-digit temperature in the city’s 147-year-old documented weather history. Yikes! Let’s hope the Dog-Days-Of-Summer in August don’t compete with June!

In closing this month, we pray for rain in this drought stricken state. We pray for the winds to die down and not spread wild fires throughout our lands due to dry lightening strikes. Fireworks have been banned due to this unpredictable weather, and its for our own good. Let’s hope everyone abides by the laws.

Til next time, be safe, be smart and God bless.

Skip’s mom, Cb

One more for the Market

One more for the Market

Another picture for the Christmas book

Another picture for the Christmas book

For the Market

For the Market