Skip Thomas Adventures

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On The Road Again

I can not recall there ever being monsoon weather in Utah, especially in the northern part of the state. This June and July have been the hottest, humid and stormiest months so far. August’s Dogs Days of Summer seem to come earlier and earlier each year, and 2022 is no exception. We are breaking records with high heat and hurricane force winds. This is unacceptable. The only things positive from all the storms are the beautiful sunsets and the all the rainbows.

So, with this summer reaching record breaking temperatures in the triple digit numbers, we’ve had to re-think our schedule. We’ve only had one market weekend so far, not what we originally planned. Our June 18th weekend was canceled by the Farmer’s Market itself for safety reasons. And justifiably so, due to extremely high winds reaching 80 mph. Our next scheduled weekend was canceled by us due to extremely high temperature reaching 103 degrees. I apologize to all who may have showed up in search for Skip Thomas Adventures. We are praying the remainder of our weekends will be in compliance with our schedule.

The 4th of July was hot and very windy. Fireworks in most parts of Utah are banned, which I am happy about. Fires start so easily around here with the dry brush and lightening strikes, and just plain stupidity of human error. Our neighbors set off some fireworks in front of our houses, but we had the sprinklers on and hoses ready just in case.

The 24th is a state holiday here called Pioneer Days. It’s when the Mormons settled in Utah and this year marks the 175th anniversary. It’s a big celebration with rodeos, parades, fireworks, etc.. It’s really quite an event with tons of history to go around.

As I was restocking books in the motor home, I realized, we sell books on our outings! That “traveling billboard” on the back of the vehicle really works! We’ve met new Skip Thomas friends, human and canine, at each one of our getaways. Of course along with selling books, we get to enjoy the beautiful outdoor scenery, cooler temps and the sound of crickets chirping in the night. And sometimes, thunder. But best of all is making friends we know we will see again. So, on the road again, we are going to Mt. Pleasant this coming weekend to visit friends we met in May at Palisades State Park. What could be nicer than that?

So, as July comes to an end, we look forward to continuing our creative adventures and getting new material out to you, our fans, as soon as possible. Until then, enjoy your summer and stay safe.

God bless,

Skip’s mom, Cb

One of many double rainbows we’ve enjoyed seeing

A small firework on the street

Human caused fire in Jacob City, Stockton, Utah

Our traveling billboard