It's Summer!

School is out. The days are longer. The temperature is hot! It’s time for outdoor events and vacations. We look forward to getting away as much as everyone else.

June 4th started the market season for us at Daybreak Farmer’s Market in South Jordan. We enjoyed our first day and met so many wonderful folks and friendly canines.

June 18th was canceled due to extremely high winds and thunderstorms. Monsoon weather is unusual for us here in Utah, but this year is different. Not to worry though, we have more dates scheduled.

Trying to get a reservation to a state or national park is getting more and more difficult. Everyone has the same idea to get out and explore this beautiful state of ours. We did get lucky back in February to get this month’s trip planned.

We ventured to Millsite State Park. For us, it was a little over a three hour drive. The roads were good and easy to get to. Our park was situated in Emery County at the mouth of Ferron Canyon, just west of the town of Ferron.

We found the RV Park to be perfectly situated around the shore of the reservoir. It wasn’t very big, but that made it even more attractive. There were ten full-hookups. We were #10 on the far end. There were other campsites just north of us with partial-hookups along the bank of the water, too. The whole area was just beautiful, peaceful and quiet. Until the storms came in…

The day were arrived, it was a gorgeous sunny day, perfect in every way with a nice warm mountain temperature in the low 80’s. After camp was set up, we decided to just take in the view of the surrounding canyon and lake. The sunset was breathtaking. At night, the breeze was cool and refreshing. We woke in the middle of the night to rain drops falling on the roof. It was soothing and we had a restful night sleep.

The next morning came with a beautiful sunrise and some fishing off the dock. The sunny day wouldn’t last though. The afternoon brought dark skies and thunderstorms, along with strong winds. Our whole trip was like this; one minute sparkling and the next turbulent. We enjoyed every moment.

Keeping our eyes on the sky at all times, we got in some trail riding, fishing, campfires, and introducing Skip Thomas Adventures to new friends. We met all different breeds of dogs traveling with their humans and we had a wonderful time.

This time of year is also Cattle Drive season. The herders were moving their cattle up the canyon. We’d hear the “moos” of the cows, and the “whinny” of the horses driving the herd up the road. I tried to get as close as I could without interrupting the farmers. I just had to get pictures!

As this month comes to an end, we find ourselves grateful for what we have. We both have love for the great outdoors, seeking new adventures, and making new friends. We have love and respect for each other and a sense of purpose in sharing our dreams of Skip Thomas Adventures with others. And as much as we love getting away, we’re always happy to say, “There’s No Place Like Home.”

Enjoy your summer travels, meet new friends, and always stay safe.

Until next time, God bless.

Skip’s mom, Cb

Our view from the campsite

One of the sunsets

Stormy sky

Cattle Drive

One day’s rainbow

The best rainbow

Beautiful mountain lake, Wrigley Reservoir

Our final sunset