A Mix-Mash of Stuff

Ok, so I have a little bit of this and a little bit of that to share this month.

April started out with Palm Sunday, then Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Passover, Easter, and Orthodox Easter. I think I covered all the religious holidays for the month, but if I’ve missed any, feel free to correct me. This is one of the most beautiful and meaningful times of the year to me. My soul rejoices in the cleansing of all things spiritual and the rebirth of nature. My flower bulbs are alive and gorgeous after the long cold winter. They seem to be shouting, “We’re back!” and I am happy to see them.

The weather has been up and down, which is about right for the month, too. As the saying goes, “April Showers Bring May Flowers.” The grass is the greenest now and has already been cut twice. The rain comes and the rains goes, everything is fresh and clean.

I have been honored to give doggie-daycare to my neighbor’s pup. It came about quite unexpectedly, but I couldn’t be happier. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a canine in the house, and a puppy at that! Tuco is a four month old Pittie/Bully mix, and full of smarts and energy. I had forgotten just how much work goes into caring for a baby. I am teaching him commands and he is very receptive. I’m so proud of the little guy. It’s hard to give him back at the end of the day, you see, I’ve fallen in love…..

Our newest product is in production and we will have some to sell at the first market this season. We are pretty excited to show you our Skip Thomas coaster collection. The picture below is in the ruff stage, but they are quite handsome in the finished stage. Just a sneak peek for now.

Here is our Daybreak Farmer’s Market schedule for 2022.

Market Address: 11274 Kestrel Rise Rd., South Jordon, UT 84009

Days & Times: Saturdays - 9 am - 2 pm

Dates: June 4th, June 18th, July 16th, Aug. 20, Sept. 10th, Sept. 24th, Oct. 15th

That’s it for now. I hope you all are well and happy. Until next time,

God bless and be safe.

Skip’s mom, Cb

Some gargoyles on the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City, Utah

The historic Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City, Utah

Inside our beautiful Cathedral of the Madeleine


My little buddy Tuco!

Play time and snack time outside.

Nap time after a long day.

Unfinished samples of the Skip Thomas coaster collection. Just some ideas.