Purpose & Waiting

Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is? What it is you’re supposed to be doing? Why am I where I am today and how did I get here? For most of my life, I didn’t know the answers to these questions. But now, I think I do…

This is our slow time of the year, in more ways than one. The calendar says it’s winter, but my front porch says it’s spring. There’s no snow on the ground and temps are in the low 50’s. We’ve come to realize this is not a good sign. If it’s this warm in winter, the summer will show up sooner and be a scorcher.

So, while I am waiting to schedule the summer markets, I am painting some new pictures, getting ideas for the next book, and planning our travel trips. We will have some new items to sell with the books this year and when they become available I will reveal them to you.

Also in this time of in between, I find myself prioritizing, organizing, and socializing; all the while being safe of course. I am rekindling friendships, reminiscing of days gone by and seeing how much I’ve grown. Some things that mattered to me just don’t seem so important anymore. Though the memories make me smile, I wonder sometimes, “What was I thinking?” It’s nice to look back, but it’s forward that we need to focus on. Planning the next day, week, month, or year is the goal to keeping dreams alive.

My husband bought me a book for Valentine’s Day called “The Way Of Integrity” by Martha Beck. This is perfect timing for me as I am looking for that purpose of wholeness. Not that I’m unhappy, but looking for the answers of those questions I asked myself above. The more I dug deep into my soul, I found my purpose. By being a positive influence in someone’s life, I encourage young people to follow their dreams and share their talent with the world. There is only one you, and no one else in this world is like you. That is what makes us all so unique and different. By embracing our differences, we must reach out, be strong, and courageous. Let no one tell you it’s impossible to achieve your dreams. And most important, never give up. As for me, my purpose is to tell stories…

As I was finishing up here, I found out the world lost another WWII American Hero. Colonel Gail Seymour Halvorsen, also known as “Uncle Wiggly Wings” or “The Candy Bomber.” In 1948 he was a cargo pilot flying supplies into Soviet-blockaded Berlin. Upon noticing the German children gathered by the fences of the Tempelhof Air Base, he saw they had very little. He first offered them chewing gum and later decided to give them something more. He made small parachutes from handkerchiefs filled with candy and dropped them from his plane on Christmas Eve. His small act of kindness gave hope not only to German children in a bombed-out city, but to all who hoped for freedom. To know the full story, check out the children’s book “Christmas From Heaven, The True Story Of The Berlin Candy Bomber” as read by Tom Brokaw. Colonel Halvorsen passed away February 16, 2022 at the age of 101.

Until next time, God bless

Skip’s mom, Cb

Colonel Gail S. Halvorsen - Born in Salt Lake City, Utah - October 10, 1920 - February 16, 2022

The True Story Of The Berlin Candy Bomber

Golfing on Valentine’s Day!

Valentine Gift

Oh, no! It’s too early! You are pretty though…