Summer Begins!

June brings warm weather, longer days, and barbecues in the back yard. It boasts the beginning of summer, Flag Day, Father’s Day, and General Elections. Markets are starting to open up amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Is it safe? I don’t know.

More cases of the virus are popping up with folks letting their guard down and going out to socialize. The six foot distancing and face masks in gatherings seems to be less and less, as the number of infected goes up and up. As for me and my Sweetie, we are still staying safe and doing all we can to be healthy. With that being said, we decided not to hit the markets this year. We will still be working on the next book, though it may take a bit longer than anticipated under the circumstances. I will slip in sneak peeks of illustrations as they come along, as you’ll see in this blog.

We had tickets to the Rice Eccles Stadium in the beginning of the month to see the Motocross races. We even had pit passes to see our favorite, Eli Tomac, all time World Motocross Racing Champ. We were so excited to see him and have him sign one of Tim’s pen & ink portraits of him. But, like most things, it was cancelled to the public because of safety concerns. All the races got confined to Salt Lake City as well. But, at least we got to see them all on TV, though not the same as being there in person. What a bummer! We are lucky enough to live on a golf course though. At least we can do something to keep our sanity.

We are looking forward to a camping trip next month. I can’t wait to get out in nature and relax with a fishing pole in hand, enjoying the still waters and quiet times. We’ll explore the mountain wilderness with trail rides leading into sunsets, and listen to mother nature, be it the quaking aspens rustling in the breeze, or the birds, chipmunks, or deer showing us their silent beauty. If we’re lucky, we’ll have a campfire at night and tell stories of old and new, having a laugh or two. And, we can’t forget the telescope to view the stars at night!

I got my first cucumber this month from my garden! So exciting! I also have zucchini, jalapenos, and bell peppers on the way. The lettuce has been giving us salads regularly and the herbs have been great on home made pizzas. Who knew I could grow a garden in wooden boxes?

Until next time, embrace the summer, wear your mask in public, keep washing your hands and stay safe. May God bless us all.

Skip’s mom, Cb

Eli Tomac, World Champ Motocross Racer

Eli Tomac, World Champ Motocross Racer

Where Flowers Bloom, So Does Hope - This is one of the Easter Lilies I planted years ago for our baby Bear when he passed. I call it Bear’s Lily.

Where Flowers Bloom, So Does Hope - This is one of the Easter Lilies I planted years ago for our baby Bear when he passed. I call it Bear’s Lily.

One of my muses, Milo, helps me with my visions of how I want the illustrations to look. I scribble, then Tim creates his vision for the books.

One of my muses, Milo, helps me with my visions of how I want the illustrations to look. I scribble, then Tim creates his vision for the books.

One of my scribbles for the Christmas book.

One of my scribbles for the Christmas book.

Luke 2:4-5 “So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was e…

Luke 2:4-5 “So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.”