The weather was iffy. Would it be rain or would the sun shine? We didn’t know, but we were going to the FARM FEST no matter what….

Throughout the week, we practiced loading the Tacoma, even took out the tool box in the back to make sure everything would fit. We arranged the tent, chairs, boxes, weights, banners, etc.. The day before, we had everything packed up, covered and tied down. We were ready to go.

At the last minute, we got the word. They didn’t want to take any chances with the weather and we would be inside the ACTIVITY BARN. “Yay!” we said. So, outside we went and unpacked the Tacoma. We undid the tie downs and tarp. Out came the tent, the weights, and the banners. We re-packed, this time in the 4-Runner and everything would stay dry.

The morning came and the 30 minute drive around our mountain would be a surprise. If it’s rainy here, it could be sunny there. If it’s sunny here, it could be rainy there. That’s UTAH weather for you. You just never know. It was raining when we left the house.

We had a break in the weather as we pulled into the parking lot of WHEELER HISTORIC FARM. We got unloaded and set up quickly, all our practicing came in handy. We were pretty proud of ourselves. We watched the other vendors do the same. Some decided to pitch tents outside.

This was our first big event in the SALT LAKE CITY area, MURRAY to be exact. Everyone at the FARM was so helpful, kind, and friendly. We met some amazing people, just like us, following their dreams.

The people came, the dogs came, the sheep got sheared and the entertainment played in the loft. I danced to the fiddle players and probably embarrassed Tim, but I had fun. The rain came again, the sun came out, back and forth it went all day. We learned a lot from other vendors. We watched what they did in wide-eyed wonder. WHEELER HISTORIC FARM was good to us and we can’t wait til next month to set up again, outside in the sunshine, of course.

Til next time - God bless, be safe, & love all animals. xoxo

Skip’s mom, Cb

( For more doggy photos from our event, please visit our Skip Thomas Facebook Page.)

Our little space

Our little space

Zyla can’t read yet, but she can sure enjoy the pictures. So cute! Thanks for letting us take your picture.

Zyla can’t read yet, but she can sure enjoy the pictures. So cute! Thanks for letting us take your picture.

This is Bo (left) and Cephus (right). They are 2 1/2 years old and Bloodhound/Shepherd mix brothers. So handsome!

This is Bo (left) and Cephus (right). They are 2 1/2 years old and Bloodhound/Shepherd mix brothers. So handsome!

Miss Ashley is a pre-school teacher at the Salt Lake City Children’s Center. Jack is a rescue dog from the Humane Society. He is 5 years old and a mixed breed. Thanks for buying our book Ashley!

Miss Ashley is a pre-school teacher at the Salt Lake City Children’s Center. Jack is a rescue dog from the Humane Society. He is 5 years old and a mixed breed. Thanks for buying our book Ashley!

Ziggy is a 1 year old Labradoodle/Goldendoodle. Thanks for visiting our booth sweetheart!

Ziggy is a 1 year old Labradoodle/Goldendoodle. Thanks for visiting our booth sweetheart!

Family enjoying our story book :)

Family enjoying our story book :)

Cb & Sargent Lightening. Thanks for the squeeze! By the way, you smelled pretty good, too!

Cb & Sargent Lightening. Thanks for the squeeze! By the way, you smelled pretty good, too!

The Old Time Fiddlers Band, Salt Lake Chapter. Thanks for entertaining us! You were great!

The Old Time Fiddlers Band, Salt Lake Chapter. Thanks for entertaining us! You were great!

Tim gives a big wave to the camera! Thanks for being my sweetie Sweetie! We always have fun! I love you!

Tim gives a big wave to the camera! Thanks for being my sweetie Sweetie! We always have fun! I love you!