Skip Thomas Adventures

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Coming Into Fall

It’s the end of September. Where did the summer go? We were so busy with our Farmer’s Markets I almost forgot to write you our story….almost.

First, the most exciting news. Our second book has just been shipped and will arrive in Salt Lake City in one week! I can’t wait to see it! It gives me goosies just thinking about it! At the end of this blog, I will post the information for the book launch in October.

We have four more markets to do this season. They have been a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. This is how our summer went. Pack up the 4-Runner the night before so we’re ready to head out in the early, and sometimes dark, morning. First stop, McDonald’s for breakfast. Drive 30 minutes to the market of the day, be it a Saturday or a Sunday. Arrive at our destination and unpack everything: the tent, the weights, the chairs, the banners, the books, the cooler, the fans, the hardware, the I PAD, the phone, the drink cups, the bookmarks, the business cards, the shopping bags….let me see, did I forget anything? Oh yeah, the table and tablecloth! See why we pack up the night before? The best part is our time spent together and meeting new friends. It’s Witch Fest at Gardner Village all October. We will be there the first three weekends with the new book. Be the first to get yours!

So here it is, the beginning of Fall. It’s my favorite time of the year. Being an artist I can truly appreciate the kaleidoscope of colors on the mountainsides. God’s palette. A true gift to the senses and tranquility to my soul. I love the smell of leaves, raking them into piles, and crunching them under my feet. I love pumpkins! Lots and lots of pumpkins! They make me happy. I love baking apple pies, breads, and soups in the fall. I love the smell of burning wood in the fire pit and sipping warm eggnog with brandy.

The cooler weather and shorter days are a welcome to me. I hope you find the time to start slowing things down and really take in the colors of nature and the smells of Autumn. Do what makes you happy.

Til next time, God bless and be safe.

Cb, Skip’s mom

The Illustrator and Author of Skip Thomas’ First Halloween

I told you, pumpkins make me happy!

Some witches at Gardner Village’s Witch Fest

Margaret and her handler from the petting zoo. She is a 5 year old Alpaca. And really soft!

Enjoying the Skip Thomas Adventures

Announcements of the new book

More decor at Gardner Village

Gardner Village decor. This really soothes my soul, I’m originally from the farm lands in New Jersey and this takes me back.