Skip Thomas Adventures

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“Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got. Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. Wouldn’t you like to get away?”

“Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name. And they’re always glad you came. You want to be where you can see our troubles are all the same. You want to be where everybody knows your name.” Cheers Theme Song - portion - by Gary Portnoy and Judy Hart Angelo

Like the lyrics say, sometimes you just need to regroup and re-assess your current situation. To see where you’ve been. To see where you’re heading. Is this what you really want? Now is the time to make changes before you get too far involved. Sometimes life moves too fast and we need to be surrounded by people who care, people who don’t judge you and let you be yourself. That’s the feeling of comfort and acceptance. It’s the feeling of belonging to something or someone familiar and relatable. And that was my reason for going back to New Jersey to visit my roots and family.

I’m on my way back to where I now call home, Utah. As I look out my airplane window, I’m listening to soothing piano music that calms my soul. If any of you know me, you know I’m a nervous wreck on a plane. After taking some Dramamine and a glass of wine, I can relax. But, just a little.

The evening sun is setting somewhere below the clouds, but above it is peaceful. I have a glimpse of heaven. My heart rate has slowed and I don’t want to lose this serenity I’ve found. I stare at the sun and don’t want it to end. I’m afraid to blink and have it all disappear. I’m caught in between time zones…

I know that when we land, my busy life will once again forge ahead and take over. But before the first summer market next weekend, we have things that need to be done. We have to make sure the tent is ready. And along with that, weights, tables, merchandise, banners, fully charged electronics, etc. I’m sure more will come to mind when we pack the vehicle next week.

So, I’m glad I had my little get away and got to rejuvenate because, yes, this is what I really want to do. Hope to see you at the opening of Daybreak Summer Market!

Regroup: to group again; reassemble or reorganize; to collect oneself.

Til next time, God bless and stay safe.

Skip’s mom, Cb

My trip

New York City skyline and harbor with Statue of Liberty

In my little dream land above the world.

Above the Rockies, almost home.

My backyard - The Great Salt Lake