Skip Thomas Adventures

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Happy Easter

What trying times these are. We’re still in the midst of the spreading Coronavirus or COVID19 as it’s called. We’re enduring earthquakes, yes, that’s right, earthquakes plural. Also job losses, social distancing, economic disaster and “STAY HOME, STAY SAFE” warnings from our Governor, Gary Herbert. Our healthcare providers are tired and strained. Supplies are in short demand, such as face masks, gloves, sanitizers, and hospital beds in certain states. People are dying. A cure for this pandemic is on the horizon, though just out of reach, unknown yet. Food and essentials are being rationed in our supermarkets. We are warned to stay six feet or more apart from each other, to wear face masks in public, latex gloves, wash your hands often and disinfect everything we come in contact with.

Sounds like a horror movie, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not, this is real. Even I couldn’t make up a story like this. So, what do we do? What can we do? I’ll tell you what I’m doing. I’m praying. For myself and my husband, I pray for our health and safety. For our first responders, doctors and nurses, I pray for their health, safety, and that they can find a cure for this vicious disease. For my family, friends and community, I pray for their health and safety. For our President, our country and the world, I pray.

Because a lot of things have been closed, such as restaurants, schools and churches, there has been a lot of “firsts” this month for me. This is the first time I stood in line at a Walmart Supermarket at 6:00 am with other seniors wearing face masks and gloves, and feeling uneasy. This is the first time I voluntarily distanced myself from my work and stayed home. This is the first time I missed Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter services because churches and cathedrals are closed to the public. We watched all these on TV and my I Pad. Though I am thankful for having these devices, it’s not the same.

Now, when I’m not praying, I take a deep breath and try to find things that make me happy. Things to distract my mind and alleviate stress. For instance, I take in the beauty of my flower garden. Right now, the beautiful spring flowers and trees are in full bloom. I read books! No surprise there. I’ve taken up sewing again, now that I have some time at home. Not that I’m great at sewing, but I can make a mean holiday pillow case for my porch. I enjoy that, it makes me happy. I get to try new recipes for my husband and he likes that. I am also able to stay in touch with my gal pals more, which is extremely important to me to call and talk about things.

It’s amazing how tight a community becomes when tragedy strikes. There is always beauty in the midst of chaos, you just have to look for it. Be thankful for what you have. Do some soul searching and dig deep to find out what is really important to you. Take a walk outside in the sunshine. Love your kids, family and pets more. Look to the sky and enjoy the clouds, the sun and the moon at night. Search the stars. Enjoy the rain! It brings new growth and life. Learn to relax. Have a beer. Have that glass of wine. Be kind to others and lend a helping hand when necessary. Keep the faith and remember, Jesus is in control.

Happy Easter! He is risen! Alleluia!

Til next time, stay safe, stay healthy and look for the good things to come. God bless us all.

Skip’s mom, Cb

Beauty in the midst of chaos

What makes me happy

My creations

A touch of Spring

I was number 94 of the 100 let in at a time. (Walmart)

The first big earthquake

Books to read. Some I have, others I want to.

Help is on the way

More scary times

Coloring Easter eggs with my muses! They each had their portrait done!

Doing the traditional things, you’re never too old to be a kid!