Skip Thomas Adventures

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The Month of Love and Kindness

This is the time of year we start searching for markets, or events, that we wish to promote SKIP THOMAS ADVENTURES. Choosing the right venue can be difficult. With so many opportunities out there, which ones will be good for us? What did good for us last year? What didn’t do well for us? How many weekends do we want to schedule this year? How far are we willing to travel? These are the questions we ask ourselves. The good thing is, we only have to answer to ourselves. I am open to trying new things and so is Tim.

February is the month of love, Valentines Day! Also, The American Heart Association’s message of taking care of your heart. Eating right, exercising, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and living a happy and peaceful life. Though, that’s not always easy to do. Because I lost my mom to heart disease and Skip Thomas to an oversize heart, we support The American Heart Association to honor their memory.

Kindness, another good word to live by. No act of kindness, no matter how small, goes unnoticed. I see kindness everyday, whether it’s my neighbor walking his dog and stopping by to say “hello,” or someone picking up some garbage on the sidewalk, oh wait, that’s usually me. Anyway, I try to be kind. I support my friends and neighbors when there is a fundraiser at school, or opening their own business. I was honored when an elementary school asked if I would speak to students at their Literacy Night event, sharing how I became an author and why reading is important. Mentoring a young person in your field of expertise is an honor and a privilege.

I just got “Flocked” the other day, waking up to find 19 pink flamingos on my lawn. At first I thought I was in Florida, but then realized it was snowing and therefore impossible. Most people would have been angry thinking this was a prank, but I thought it was cute! My darling little neighbor was trying to raise money for a girl scout trip this summer. We had already bought 12 boxes of Girl Scout cookies earlier, but we just couldn’t say no. See? Acts of kindness go a long way.

It’s funny, I found this paper I’ve kept from a long time ago. It’s called BE and it goes like this:

Be loyal to your friends. Be understanding to your enemies. Be strong enough to face the world each day. Be weak enough to know you cannot do everything alone. Be generous to those who need your help. Be frugal with what you need yourself. Be willing to share your joys. Be willing to share the sorrows of others. Be a leader when you see a path others have missed. Be a follower when you are shrouded by the mists of uncertainty. Be the first to congratulate an opponent who succeeds. Be the last to criticize a colleague who fails. Be sure of your final destination, in case you are going the wrong way. Be loving to those who love you. Be loving to those who do not love you, for they may change. Above all, be yourself. anonymous

So, I leave that with you this month to ponder, I hope you enjoyed it. Remember to smile, give a word of encouragement, lend a hand, be kind to animals, and teach someone something new. Spend time with the ones you love, whether you read with them or cook a meal with them, you are doing something together. They will always remember the acts of love and kindness you showed.

Til next time, God bless

Skip’s mom, Cb

Pink Flamingos in UTAH!

There they are! Flamingos!

Was on my way to a funeral and got to see a new baby calf being born! I just love cows!

Taking his first steps, how precious!

Happy Hugs & Kisses